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How Do I Care on My Lawn During Winter?

Lawn Care

Though you might consider that even during the seasons of Summer and Spring are the
most proper and commonly known periods in the season to maintain and tend your
lawn; the truth is that year-round lawn maintenance is essential and highly

We usually get asked questions such as, “How should I maintain my lawn over the
winter? Should I continue to mow frequently, and how do you prevent grass from
withering in the cold weather? Should I water my grass throughout the winter?”
Before a harsh winter, your lawn must be ready, if you want it to be growing healthy in
the spring. It’s time to think about how effectively homeowners can prepare their grass
for the winter, now that winter has officially arrived. Contrary to popular belief, the fall is
a key time for your lawn since it prepares it for success during the busiest seasons of
the year. We’ve listed some winter lawn maintenance tips to help your lawn endure this
winter that will not only ensure it thrives but also blooms.

Prepare for winter lawn care

You should dethatch, aerate, and seed your lawn before the coldest winter months
(depending on your region) to ensure that the grass will come back lush and green in
the spring. In October or November, begin to winterize your lawn. Remove any fallen
leaves from the grass and, if necessary, give it one final trim, keeping the blades high
and simply removing the tops. This is a crucial step to take to guarantee a healthy
spring lawn since it will remove any layers of dead grass that may be obstructing air,
water, and nutrients from reaching the grassroots.


During the cooler months, your lawn begins to store energy to endure the winter. If you
want to maintain the life cycle of your lawn, you must fertilize it. In essence, it consumes
the nutrients in its roots. Your lawn’s roots, however, are still growing at this time. If you
can provide those roots with the extra nutrients and care they need during the winter,
your lawn will have a far better chance of remaining healthy. So it’s beneficial to fertilize
your lawn in the winter.

Avoid using salt

Especially in the winter when your lawn is most sensitive, salt is hazardous for your
lawn. Salt can harm or even destroy your lawn throughout the winter. Consider
spreading burlap or plastic covering along the perimeter of your lawn to protect it from
any salt that may get scattered accidentally when sanding driveways or walks. This will
help minimize salt damage.

Keep animals outside

Try to keep people and animals away from the area until the new grass has a chance to
take root. Our lawn could become damaged in the upcoming season if there is constant
and heavy traffic. However, keep an eye on it and water it if it appears as though it
might dry up.

Prepare Your Lawn Mower for Winter

Maintaining the equipment you use to care for your lawn all year is a part of winter lawn
maintenance. You won’t need to mow your lawn very often, if at all, during the cooler
months because growth slows down significantly.

As Much Water as Needed

If your grass isn’t yet dormant, watering it regularly is crucial. Up until the first freeze,
you should keep watering your lawn to help your grass root structure develop the
resilience it needs to weather the chilly winter months. If you don’t take this step, you
can discover that when springtime comes, some of your lawn has died.

Simply sit back and observe as your grass holds up over the winter and grows back in
the spring with a beautiful, rich green lawn that has no spots.

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