Does your yard have acidic soil? Learn to love gardening anyway
Look for acid-loving plants, such as conifers and rhododendrons, to help your low pH garden thrive. Gardening success depends on understanding your soil. Some soils are more difficult to work than others, such as dry, sandy soils or heavy clay soils. Soils are classified by texture, depending on the amount of sand, silt, and clay. […]
Solutions for Soggy Soil
If it rained during the parade and your garden got too wet, try some other ideas for dealing with water-loving plants and water. If a poorly drained garden has prevented you from growing your favorite vegetables and flowers this year, don’t give up on gardening just yet. While it’s true that a garden with “wet […]
Does your yard have acidic soil? Learn to love gardening anyway
Look for acid-loving plants, such as conifers and rhododendrons, to help your low pH garden thrive. Gardening success depends on understanding your soil. Some soils are more difficult to work than others, such as dry, sandy soils or heavy clay soils. Soils are classified by texture, depending on the amount of sand, silt, and clay. […]
Solutions for Soggy Soil
If it rained during the parade and your garden got too wet, try some other ideas for dealing with water-loving plants and water. If a poorly drained garden has prevented you from growing your favorite vegetables and flowers this year, don’t give up on gardening just yet. While it’s true that a garden with “wet […]
How to design your landscape to allow water to seep into the ground
Find out how rainwater penetrates even in difficult sites. Sinking water, also called infiltrating and percolating water, allows water to pass through the soil of your home landscape rather than sending it downstream through pipes or storm drains. This protects water supplies, recharges aquifers and improves water quality by reducing downstream runoff and naturally purifying […]
How to Place and Size a Rain Garden to Fit Your Landscape
Installing a rain garden is a great way to reduce runoff and return water to its source.Rain gardens are growing in popularity as an environmentally friendly way to infiltrate rainwater into your home landscape. This has great potential to reduce the overall demand on municipal sewerage systems and is a cost-effective means of effectively managing […]
Use Evergreen Boxwood in Your Landscaping
Add shape and winter interest to garden beds and edge walks with these sophisticated shrubs. Widely used in both formal and more casual gardens, boxwood is one of the most popular shrubs in landscape design. Abundant green foliage year-round, the ability to grow in sun and partial shade, and a high tolerance for pruning make […]
How to Place and Size a Rain Garden to Fit Your Landscape
Installing a rain garden is a great way to reduce runoff and return water to its source. Rain gardens are growing in popularity as an environmentally friendly way to infiltrate rainwater into your home landscape. This has great potential to reduce the overall demand on municipal sewerage systems and is a cost-effective means of effectively […]
Questions to Ask Your Landscape Contractor
Find out what you need to know about hiring the right professional to execute your outdoor project. Whether small or large, landscaping updates provide an opportunity to improve life in your home. This is where landscaping contractors can come into play. When it’s time to choose someone to oversee the construction of your project, asking […]
Understand the site to sustainably manage stormwater
Follow this guide to learn how water moves through your landscape and how to best manage it. The key to creating a truly resilient and sustainable storm water management plan for your home environment is understanding your site. Explore how water works in the landscape and how it fits into the bigger picture. Identify existing […]