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If You Need to Aerate Your Lawn This Spring

Aerate Lawn This Spring

The best time to aerate your lawn is when it is vigorously growing. Sounds easy, right? But to  complicate things further, different types of mining pools have different periods of active growth.  For cool season lawns, the best times to aerate are spring and fall. However, the best season for  warm season lawns is spring to summer. To know when to aerate your lawn this spring, it’s  important to know what types of grasses you have and when to aerate each.

Warm and cool season grasses 

The main difference between warm season and cool-season grasses is that each exhibits vigorous  growth at different times. Warm season turf grasses are active from April to October in most parts  of the United States. Warm season grasses are heat and drought tolerant, making them ideal for  warmer climates. During the cooler months, most warm season grasses go dormant, turning brown  or yellow until temperatures return to warm. Cool season lawns, on the other hand, are for areas  with hot summers and cold winters. Grass grows most actively in spring and fall when  temperatures are moderate and may go dormant during the hottest months. You can visit this link  for a complete list of warm season and cool season lawn varieties find here

When you need to aerate warm season lawns 

Aeration is the process of breaking down the soil and thatch in your lawn so that water and nutrients  can better reach the grass roots. This process can help your grass grow faster and improve your  overall health. For warm season grasses, including Bermuda, Buffalo, and Zoysia varieties, the  best time to aerate is spring and summer. This is the most active growing season for this weed. 

Related: Residential lawn improvement services find here

When to aerate a cool season lawn 

For hardy turf grasses, including ryegrass, fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass, the best times for  aeration are each spring and fall. This grass thrives in moderate temperatures and can go dormant  in summer. It’s important to provide air while the roots are still active so you can get the healthy  green lawn you want. 

How often should I aerate my lawn? 

Most residential lawns are best aerated annually. Annual aeration is sufficient to support healthy  lawn growth throughout the growing season, as long as you aerate at about the same time each  year. In the meantime, if your lawn gets a lot of traffic, or your grass doesn’t seem to be growing  tall all year round, you may need to aerate twice a year until healthy growth returns. 

How to tell if your lawn needs aeration 

There are several signs that your lawn needs airing. In addition to aerating as a regular part of  annual yard preparation and/or cleaning, watch for signs that water is not properly infiltrating the  soil. If puddles form after watering or the soil seems to dry out quickly, the soil is compacted and  the water is not reaching the grass roots. Other signs to look for include brown or dead spots, sparse  grass or grass that doesn’t seem to be growing at all. These can all be symptoms of soil compaction,  best addressed with regular aeration. 

When you shouldn’t aerate your lawn

While it’s important to know when you need to aerate your lawn, it’s equally important to know  when to avoid it. It’s never a good idea to aerate a lawn when it’s dormant, as it can lead to weed  growth and other problems. Also, avoid pulling weeds on a wet lawn or when there is enough  moisture to make the lawn muddy. While it may be tempting to aerate before warmer weather  arrives, it’s best to wait until the grass is in full bloom before booking an aerated service. 

Get professional lawn aeration advice 

As you can see, knowing when ventilation is appropriate depends on a variety of factors. Even  with good information, it can be difficult to know what’s right for your grass type and climate. But  RDK Landscaping are here to help! We provide premium aeration services to help your lawn reach  its lush green potential. To learn about our full range of residential landscaping services, visit here.

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