Make the most of your upcoming fall weekend

When planning your Halloween and winter travel, don’t forget to savor this day’s fun before it’s gone.  Autumn is now ripe. It’s a great weekend to rake leaves and curl up with an interesting book and a  warm drink. Here are seven activities you can do this weekend, including watching monarch butterflies and organizing trick-or-treaters.  […]

Enjoy pumpkins even after Halloween

After fall break, find out how you can use both carved and whole pumpkins in your garden and  at home.  Pumpkins play an essential role in celebrating the fall holidays. Artistically carved jack-o’-lanterns  decorate our doorsteps, and whole pumpkins add a festive touch to tabletops and other spaces  around the home. Once Halloween passes and […]

Use Pumpkins to Decorate Home

” Bright orange pumpkins or their albino cousins make the easiest Halloween decorations. “ It’s hard not to equate fall with the big, rich, orange pumpkins, especially the ones by everyone’s  front door. This is always a classic look for fall, but this season we gave it a twist by incorporating  pumpkins inside. Of course, […]

Tree and Landscape Winterization Checklist

If you have branches hanging over your home, sidewalk or driveway, you may want to consider pruning, removing or installing cables before they fail under the stress of winter weather. If a limb is dead, dying, diseased, or unsafe, it is best to remove it. Are you generally preparing your home for the cold winter, […]

Give your lawn a fall tune-up

A wheelbarrow with a rake and a pile of autumn leaves in the garden.[/caption]   Giving your old lawn a little TLC, this fall can help you achieve a lush, healthy lawn in the  spring.  Your lawn has probably taken a big hit this summer. Family gatherings, bringing dogs, children’s  games and toys, combined with […]

Remove Fall Leaves from Your Yard 

Learn about our top tips to avoid buyer’s regret and get more valuable buying and planting advice. It is not only people who enjoy the temperature of autumn, but also plants. In fact, fall can be one of the best times to add new plants to your landscape. Mild temperatures in autumn are relatively mild […]

What you need to know about winter composting

Learn how to keep your compost pile hot when the weather is below freezing. Just because the weather is cold or outright icy and snowy doesn’t mean your outdoor compost pile has to hibernate for the winter. After all, there are still kitchen scraps, leaves, and other materials to deal with. Even in cold weather, […]

Remove Fall Leaves from Your Yard 

All leaves in the yard should be raked, mulched, blow-dried, bagged and composted. why? Placing foliage on your lawn can block sunlight from reaching your lawn, which can lead to lawn diseases such as snow mold. But what’s the best way to handle the fall colors that cover lawns, sidewalks, driveways, and even roofs? Grab […]